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Boost the Power of Your Goals
by Dr. Beverly Potter

Picture Your Goal Often

is that time in the future
when you have achieved the goal
Imagine yourself in the goal state.Add details to your image of the goal.  The more clear and positive your picture is of you being in the goal-state, the more compelling and powerful your goal will be.

Accomplish Goals Through Small Steps

Inertial - a body at rest tends to stay at rest
and a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
Suppose your car has a dead battery and you must push it to get it started.  The greatest effort to get the car moving is the first push.  This is when you break the inertia and move the car from rest to motion.  Once moving, it takes much less effort to keep the car moving.

If you're like many people, you often have trouble getting started moving toward your goal.  The problem is inertia.  You are a body at rest!  You must break the inertia to get moving.

The secret to getting started:
take small steps

Take Small Steps

Set the objective for a small improvement over a short time period.
Begin at your current level of performance with the first objective, the proceed in small steps. Ask yourself for small improvements only.

It's similar to practicing yoga. In yoga, you assume a posture that you can do without undo strain, then you stretch a little bit. You don't demand too much or try to force yourself into a position.

Don't set yourself up to fail by demanding enormous changes.

The secret to keeping momentum going:
winning for achieving small steps
Set Yourself Up to Win
Set yourself up to succeed.
Your small step should be only as big as what you knowyou can achieve with relative ease.

If the goal is something difficult because it is distasteful or involves an entrenched habit, then shorten the time frame of the objective.

For example, suppose you want to stop smoking.  If, for your first objective, you demand that you will chew gum every time you feel like smoking for a month, you are likely to fail.  Chances for success are better if you make the first objective for one day instead.  When you meet that objective, set another one for a slightly longer period of time.
Get into motion
Magnetic goals help you
to develop a winner's attitude
The objective helps you get started and creates momentum.  Once you've broken the inertia of a bad habit you have also started to develop a winner's attitude, which will help you to succeed.


Slowly stretch your abilities.
Don't worry about the steps being too small.  No step is too small as long as there is some stretch and some movement.  Remember the inertia principle: A body in motion will tend to stay in motion.  Use small steps to keep yourself in motion toward your goal.
 Remember the inertia principle:
A body in motion will tend to stay in motion.
Big enough to make you stretch.
Think of yoga as an example.  When doing yoga you position your body in a particular posture and then slowly s t r e t c h the muscles you are exercising.

Make Getting There Fun

People often equate self-management or self-discipline with austerity - sacrifice and  withholding of pleasures. such an approach is a mistake and will undermine your success.

Grease the skids of change with fun.  Enjoyment of a task lessens the toil.

Consider physical exercising.  Doing jumping jacks and running in place isn't much fun.  By comparison, playing tennis with a friend is more fun.  And it provides a good workout.  With this in mind, think of ways you can build fun into the process of achieving your goals.

Copyright 2000: Beverly A. Potter. From  High Performance Goal Setting:  Using Intuition to Conceive and Achieve Your Dreams by Dr. Beverly Potter, RONIN.  All Rights Reserved. This file may be downloaded for individual use.    Any other use requires written permission from docpotter.

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